2 events found.
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Events in List view and individual Event pages display in the timezone of the event.
Gen V
ComposerCHRISTOPHER LENNERTZMATT BOWENMODERATED BY CLINT WORTHINGTON(The Spool)Screening Link available upon RegistrationYouTube Live Stream Q&AWednesday, June 19, 1:00PM(PT)*** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ ***FREE for current SCL members (click HERE to check…
Planet Earth III
ComposersSARA BARONEJACOB SHEA(of Bleeding Fingers Music)MODERATED BY KAYA SAVAS (Film.Music.Media)Screening Link available upon RegistrationYouTube Live Stream Q&AWednesday, June 19, 6:30PM(PT)*** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ ***FREE for current SCL members (click…