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Algiers, America

ComposerCHAD CANNONSongwriter & PerformerBRYAN ANDERSONDirectorJACKSON FAGERMODERATED BY KAYA SAVAS (Film Music Media)Screening Link available upon RegistrationYouTube Live Stream Q&A Tuesday, June 13, 12:00PM (PT)Algiers, America follows the high school football team at…

Songwriters Night in NYC

SCL SongArts NY Presents:SONGWRITERS NIGHT in NYCIn collaboration with the New York Songwriters Collective and the Songwriters Guild of America, we're thrilled to present the first Composers Night in NYC. Four…

The Legend of Vox Machina

ComposerNEAL ACREESongwriterPETER HABIBExecutive ProducerSAM RIEGELMODERATED BY BYRON BURTON(The Hollywood Reporter, Awards Focus)Screening Link available upon RegistrationYouTube Live Stream Q&A Tuesday, June 13, 6:30PM (PT)After saving the realm from evil and destruction…