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- No events scheduled for September 4, 2023.
- No events scheduled for September 5, 2023.
- No events scheduled for September 7, 2023.
- No events scheduled for September 9, 2023.
- No events scheduled for September 10, 2023.
Week of Events
[CANCELED] Early Career Lunch Hour
[CANCELED] Early Career Lunch Hour
Are you a composer for visual media in the early stages of your career?Are you trying to secure your first feature film, video game,or lead composer credit?Are you working mostly as an “additional music by” composer? Are you working mostly as a composer’s assistant?Have you been working as a media music professional for less than five…
SCL Emmy Reception
SCL Emmy Reception
THE SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS & LYRICISTScordially invites Diamond, Platinum, & Gold members to joinfor an exclusive reception in celebration of this year'sEmmy® Music & Sound Nominees Honoring the 2023 Music & Sound Nominees for Primetime, Daytime, and News & Documentary television programming. Friday, September 8, 2023 6:00-9:00 PM Invitations have been sent to eligible members. This is event is…