Gary Woods

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of a very dear member of the SCL family, Gary Woods. A composer and copyist, Gary was a founding member of the SCL and served on the board as both director and officer for many years. His column, Music & Technology, has been a regular featured in The Score magazine since its inception over 30 years ago.

More recently, Gary and his wife Laury moved back to his home town of Santa Barbara where they established a very successful real estate brokerage and Gary also wrote a weekly column, Home Tech, for CASA, the award-winning in online magazine. But despite his transition from music he was determined to maintain his ties to the SCL and continued to write his column for The Score until his death.

Gary, the SCL owes you a great deal and we thank you for your service, your knowledge and your friendship. We’ll miss your smiling face.

Rest in peace, Gary.