Kevin Coogan runs for re-election

ASCAP’s Kevin Coogan runs for re-election to the LA NARAS Board of Governors

Kevin Coogan was selected to be one of the NARAS/LA Chapter Governors a few months ago to complete the term of someone who had resigned. His position is now up for re-election. Kevin is keenly interested in serving on this board. SCL members who also belong to NARAS might find it advantageous to have a representative who deals with film and television issues on the NARAS Board, regardless of their individual PRO affiliation.

Kevin is the Senior Director of Film and Television Music at ASCAP. His responsibilities include the recruitment and career development of writers and publishers. Kevin joined ASCAP in 1995, and for several years produced the Film Scoring Workshop. He has expanded ASCAP’s presence at many major film festivals and is involved in producing showcases, screenings and seminars. He has also been instrumental in promoting crossover activites between film/TV and the development of programs fostering collaboration with educational organizations throughout the country.

The deadline for completing the ballot is April 22 and members of the LA chapter of NARAS should already have received their ballot. If you are a NARAS member and have not received a ballot, or have any questions regarding the election process, contact the NARAS LA chapter office at 310-392-3777.