
Music Creators Call On Copyright Royalty Board to ‘Modify or Reject’ Proposed Phonorecords IV Royalty Rates

December 7, 2022

The SCL Joins with the Wider Music Industry in Support of the HITS Act

November 16, 2022

Phonorecords IV Settlement Agreement Released In Full Following Transparency Demands

October 10, 2022

Creative Workers Thank Members of the Small Business Committee for their Letter to FTC and DOJ

July 1, 2022

Music Creator Groups Issue Statement to Copyright Royalty Board to Halt Settlement Decision

July 1, 2022

Independent Music Creators Asks US Copyright Office to Dismiss Request by Digital Music Providers to Delay Royalty Reporting

July 1, 2022

Petition Launched to Update Copyright Laws – Sign Here

July 1, 2022

Independent Music Creator and Musical Artist Communities Send a Letter to Congress on CRB Settlements

June 24, 2022

Tremendous Victory for Music Creators as US Frozen Mechanical Rates are Rejected

March 30, 2022

Music Creator Groups Applaud Progress in WTO TRIPS Waiver Discussions

March 17, 2022

Music Creator Organizations Submit Further Comments on CASE Act to US Copyright Office

December 17, 2021

The SCL Joins U.S. Music Community in Response to India’s DPIIT

October 8, 2021

Letter To CA Governor Gavin Newsom Regarding AB 2257

September 4, 2020

Summer 2020

August 23, 2020

Letter to Congress: Copyright Alliance

May 15, 2020

Where’s My Money?

May 6, 2020

SCL Responds to the Copyright Office’s Call for Comments

December 20, 2019

Call to Action: Support the CASE Act 2019

June 28, 2019

The SCL Supports the Upcoming CASE Act

June 10, 2019

Open Letter to the RIAA regarding Moral Rights

August 15, 2017