Note: Week and Month views display Events in Los Angeles timezone, regardless of the event’s location.
Events in List view and individual Event pages display in the timezone of the event.

SCL Screening + Q&A: HIS DARK MATERIALS w/Lorne Balfe

Composer LORNE BALFE MODERATED BY CHANDLER POLING White Bear PR Screening Link available upon Registration YouTube Live Stream Q&A: Wednesday, June 24, 12:00PM (PDT) Adapting Philip Pullman’s award-winning trilogy of…


SCL Screening + Q&A: LITTLE AMERICA w/Michael Brook

Composer MICHAEL BROOK MODERATED BY JON BURLINGAME Variety Screening Link Instructions Provided Upon Registration YouTube Live Stream Q&A : Wednesday, June 24 - 6:30PM (PDT) Inspired by the true stories featured…
