7 events found.
Note: Week and Month views display Events in Los Angeles timezone, regardless of the event’s location.
Events in List view and individual Event pages display in the timezone of the event.
Events in List view and individual Event pages display in the timezone of the event.
- No events scheduled for October 11, 2021.
- No events scheduled for October 12, 2021.
- No events scheduled for October 13, 2021.
- No events scheduled for October 15, 2021.
- No events scheduled for October 16, 2021.
- No events scheduled for October 17, 2021.
Week of Events
The Future of Music: Artificial Intelligence
The Future of Music: Artificial Intelligence
COMPOSER & SCL-BOARD MEMBER FLETCHER BEASLEYMODERATED BY SCL SEMINAR CHAIR JACK D. ELLIOTTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 146:00-7:30pm PT // 9:00-10:30pm ETYouTube Live StreamREGISTRATION REQUIRED - CLICK 'ATTEND EVENT' BELOWArtificial Intelligence has arrived and is being used in ways that used to be reserved for science fiction movies. From fears of a real-life HAL9000 expelling us from our…